Very Happy To Report Hop-A-Long Has A New Home

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We raised Hop-A-Long, with another chick known as Precious, they both come from a person in the Annapolis Valley who sold us a bunch of Aracana Chicks. She was selling them as “Pure Aracana” although we knew they were actually mixed breed Easter Eggers. What we didn’t know was they, or more likely their parents didn’t get the proper nutrition and a number of the Chicks ended up becoming crippled because of it. Anyway, when most people would have tossed them, we raised them. Also, along with them we raised a little chick who come to us after being literally rescued from becoming Snake food! We call that little Chick, now the large white one in the video, we call her Boots! So, the three in the video grew up together. We’ll be keeping Precious and Boots, and we’re now Very Happy To Report Hop-A-Long Has A New Home…

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