Tag: Sheep

Incredible Side Benefit of Having Briden Farm Goats and Livestock on Your Land

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Naturally Rid Your Land of Ticks

One thing we’ve noticed over the past few years is that there is an incredible side benefit of having Briden Farm Goats and Livestock on Your Property! We know that the regenerative benefits of turning burnt out hay fields into beautiful productive grassy pastures is awesome! The weed eating animals help get rid of weeds, and in woodland pastured these incredible animals help prune and groom and turn woodlands into pasture and with a little help, even gardens! All so beautiful and impressive I never get tired of seeing it. 

However, what we didn’t know, but have suspected for some time now, is all this work also help to eliminate Ticks! You know… those nasty little, creepy, crawly, blood suckers! When we first take our animals into a new pasture area we get covered in them! Often finding 20-30 or more every day! On ourselves, dogs, animals, etc. Then, over time, that number reduces! As the animals turn the old growth into new productive pastures, and the grass, weeds, and invasive plants become fewer, and more manageable, so do the Ticks! Reducing the number of ticks from 20-30 a day to maybe that number, or fewer, in a week! That’s a reduction of about 80-85%. Incredible! 

If You’d like more information about having Briden Farm Goats and Livestock on Your Property please call Brian at BridenFarm.com 902-907-0770 

Information on Tick Safety in Nova Scotia


Tupping! What on earth is it!?

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This is a new Term for me, apparently I’ve been helping our sheep with the process, but I didn’t know that the term for it is Tupping, or that a Ram is called a Tup! Did You? No! Then read on…

When the cooler days of Autumn come upon us, the temperature outside goes down, but the Tups, start Tupping! So, what the heck is Tupping!? 

Tupping is when Rams, male sheep, also known as Tups, begin to feel the Call of the Wild! 

In the Wild, wild male ruminates, such as those in the deer family, are said to be in Rut. The Rut, when male wild ruminants seek out their mates, is similar to what domestic Rams, or Tups, do as Fall comes up on us, the urge to mate comes upon animals such a Sheep, Rams, known as Tups, enter a season of Tupping! 

This Tupping is, of course, in correspondence with the Ewes, female sheep, coming into what is known as Heat! So, when Autumn comes upon us, and the temperatures begin to Fall, wild animals begin their Rut, domesticated male sheep, Tups, begin Tupping, and as the temperatures Fall, things Heat up with the Ewes! 

So, Now You Know! Or is that Ewe Know! 😉 

Naturally Turning Woodlands into Pastures and Gardens with Animals

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I’m always amazed at the wonderful work these animals do! Turning woodlands into pastures and gardens takes work. Yet our Briden Farm Animals make it look easy! They also make it look beautiful! Following are some before and after shots. 

This area was old, very old, pasture about forty years ago! Overgrown and full of weeds, stag horn sumac, and so on. Till we introduced our Goats, and Sheep, to the are! Now look…

Incredible! Isn’t it?
The area above was also grown up, overgrown, and difficult to maneuver. Now it’s Beautiful! 
This gives You an idea of the before and after.
I also love how they help create little trails and quiet spaces 
Sometimes I just like to sit and enjoy the views. 
Almost like Parklands 

Do You have property that is overgrown, full of weeds, briars and brambles, and other nasty invasive species? Would You like to turn it into beautiful areas like we have here? Contact Brian at Briden Farm call 902-907-0770