Tag: Mother Hen

Chicken TV at Briden Farm: Update 12 Hours after Hatch Began at 3:43am

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Hatching Eggs At Briden Farm

So, it’s now 3:43pm and for the past 12 hours, We’ve been gaining a new appreciation for Mother Hen! That’s because the Eggs we have had in the Incubator since about 3:43pm on February 2, 2021 are now hatching! Watching, waiting, hoping, praying, and not being able to do a whole lot to help! That really makes us appreciate Mother’s Everywhere! Especially Mother Hen and all those like her who know far more than we ever will about hatching eggs! 

So, here’s a Video Update…


If You’re looking for Hatching Eggs we have them, if Your Looking for Day Old Chicks we may soon have some! For More Info Phone: 902-907-0770.