Tag: Goats Kids

Snow Ball and Her Kids on Electric Fence

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Snowball with Patrick and Patsy

It’s been a good five days, our beautiful Goat, Snowball, and her kids Patrick and Patsy, have been in this little pasture beside our house. They’ve done very well cleaning this ar3a, pruning back our seven sisters roses, weeds, and other things. 

Before and After pruning with Goats

More importantly they’ve all managed to stay in the pasture, and now the kids are trained to electric fence and have had no traumatic experiences and have not escaped. Excellent News! 

Do You have overgrown areas, pasture or woodland that you’d like trimmed, pruned, regenerated? Or Grass Pastures that need natural fertilizer? Call Brian at #BridenFarm 902-907-0770 

Heres a Video showing the place after five days …

Lucy Gifted Us With Three Babies

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Triplet Kid Goats

I’m definitely the nervous Papaa! Lucy, our Boer Goat, gifted us with three babies! Three beautiful little Boer Goat Kids! Here’s a video peek at the Momma and the Kids… 

I much prefer having our babies born in the Spring or Summer, whether that be kids, piglets, chicks, or ducklings! Although I know my Dad, and many others, have their lambing season in February! I’m the nervous Papa and I’m not kidding! 


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