Sexy New Ride at Briden Farm

1979 154 International Lo-Boy Tractor

So, lots of people dream of Mansions, Fur Coats, Diamond Rings, and Sports Cars! I dream of an old Homestead on a River, with Franklin Brook running through it, and. warm Anorak and a Cowboy Hat, gripping chains and an old Farm Tractor! Well… today, Valentines Day 2021, another part of the dream came true! We just got a 1979 154 International Lo-Boy Tractor! This will come in so handy here at Briden Farm in so many ways! 

Peeling Farm Fresh Free Ranged Eggs

Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs

If you’ve tried to peel a truly fresh, Farm Fresh Free Range, Egg it’s possible that You have uttered a few choice words! If not… Congratulations! 

Peeling Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs is not easy! 

However, according to The Prairie Homestead there is a way to get Hard Boiled Farm Fresh Eggs that are easy to peel! (Click Here for More Info

We tried this, and while it was easier, much easier, it wasn’t perfect! However, we didn’t have a proper basket and seal. Had we been able to put the cover tight on our pot, and followed with a cold water bath,I think this would have totally worked! As it was, it was the easiest We’ve ever peeled an egg and it even seemed to preserve their great taste too! 

You may also be interested in reading our Post:

Making Pickled Eggs at Briden Farm