It makes me wish I was a Craftsman!

I sometimes enjoy using a drummel tool to do some basic carving. I wish I was more apt when it comes to doing woodworking, using saws, routers, planners, and so on. I’ve never been particularly gifted with such things!
It would definitely be a good skill to acquire, but while I can create websites, blogs, online stores, and more, when it comes to working with larger tools, and such I’m sadly lacking.Although there are certainly times when working around the homestead, or wanting things done around the place, it’d definitely come in handy!
I do, however, enjoy poking around the hardware, tools, and equipment websites, when I get a chance. The most recent one I’ve been looking at it
I love that they ship around the world and have free shipping on North American orders of $100 or more! They do have a Learning Centre online, so maybe there’s hope for Me yet!
I’ll include their Banner below incase You want to check it out for Yourself!