The Hearth & Heart of a Country Home & Homestead is the Kitchen Wood Stove

The Hearth & Heart of a Country Home & Homestead is the Kitchen Wood Stove! It is that by which a family can cook and prepare meals for sustenance. That which can provide heat and warmth for the household and all who enter there. That which when the Sky’s grow dark, the winds blow and the snow falls and the power flickers or fails can mean survival, the difference between failure and success!
That is why today is such a very special day here at Briden Farm, We now have our Wood Stove and Chimney installed! This lifts such a huge weight off our shoulders and is a major step toward our overall Self Sufficiency!
The difference is Survival! Not to mention a good cup of Tea at Briden Farm, “where the tea is always on and the coffee is not far behind”.