
Chat – Community – Connect

I’ve recently returned to my Creative Writing and Poetry and I’m doing that on Medium and Substack and other places online. I’ve discovered that Substack has a great platform for creating Community and it includes a Chat feature and other tools for connecting. So, perhaps it’s time we set up a Community Section for Briden Farm. 

Some of the posts and information there will be available to the Public, more of it will be available Free Subscribers, and the Paid Subscribers will get the “Insider” information. 

Our new Podcast, “Beyond Organic, Life at Briden Farm” is there, as is our Chat, and other information. 

So, my suggestion is, Join My Substack as a Free, or Paid, Subscriber, then choose the Community Section, or Sections, You’d like to receive Information from.

Podcast - Beyond Organic: Life at Briden Farm