The Benefits of Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed for Livestock and Poultry are many, and all our animals, with the exception of our rabbits, get it! We mix 1/4 Hemp Seed Feed, and 1/4 4 Grain Scratch Feed, for all our animals.
Our Poultry also get the same mix, with our Laying Hens getting half Layer Mash for Laying Hens.
Likewise, our other animals get half of their feed in whatever’s most appropriate for them at the time. Like Hog Grower for Market Pigs, or Milk Generator for late stage pregnancy and during lactation, and whatever is appropriate at the time. So, 1/2 Layer Mash for Laying Hens mixed with 1/4 Hemp and 1/4 Scratch for our Hens.
The Benefits of Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed for Livestock and Poultry combined with our personal experience and the experience of other we know who use it in a similar manner, make us feel good about promoting it. We’ve seen Bigger, Better, Eggs, and Old Factory Hens feathering out and laying more eggs, beautiful sheen on old goat coats, and pigs benefiting from such things as improved digestion, muscle development and growth rates due in part to the protein and nutritional value of Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed. Click Here for Nutritional Information.
Buy Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed
Now $25.00 per 50 lbs
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