Three Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

Baking Cookies In The Wood Stove Oven

It’s been awhile since I’ve baked Cookies, and it’s also been awhile since We’ve enjoyed our Wood Stove! Nearly eight months since we last lit our Stove! Often it’s more…

Eve Producing Milk At Briden Farm

Making A Tough Decision At Briden Farm

Our Goat, Eve, come to us this past Spring and has been giving a Quart, or so, of delicious, creamy, milk. Eve is an eleven year old Saanen Doe (Female)…

Making Quince Jam

Making Quince Jam At Briden Farm

Awhile back, a friend (You know who You are!), gave us some Quince. The Quince sat in the bottom of our Fridge for, seems like a month, and stayed good!…