Nanna on the Milking Stand

Nanna Will Soon Have Her Kids

The time is coming closer, and Nanna will soon have Her Kids! Today, 28 March 2021 was her due date, sort of! See, a Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Doe, can have…

Nanna is Due

Nanna is Due

Nanna, our Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Doe, is due as soon as Sunday 28 March 2021. Of course I’d kind of like her to freshen and have her Kids today on…

Nanna, Snow White, and Momma, Enjoying Their New Pasture

Nanna, Snow White, and Momma, Enjoying Their New Pasture

Nanna, Snow White, and Momma, Enjoying Their New Pasture. It may be difficult to tell, but both Nanna, and Momma, are both due to freshen. Which means with a little luck, and lots of prayer, they’ll both be having healthy Kids