Tag: kennebec potatoes

Ring Neck Pheasant for Christmas

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Ring Necked Pheasant Dinner

Making Merry this Christmas, 2023, means making a meal that has been grown by Briden Farm..

A beautiful meal, based on a great recipe I found at Project Upland, for Perfectly Roasted Pheasant
If You’ve been reading our Posts for a while You’ll recognize that this is the same Recipe we had at Thanksgiving.

When it comes to Pheasant, I’ve tried a lot of different Recipes,
and this one is definitely how I’ll be doing my Pheasants from now on!

You’ll see the Pheasant sits in the oven on a Cast Iron Frying Pan on Carrots.
Or in our case German Fingerling Potatoes. I love them! Especially good for Home Fries.

I also love Kennebec Potatoes, and thankfully we had both growing in our Briden Farm Gardens.

We’ll be adding Green Beans and Corn on the Cob, also grown by Briden Farm and put in the freezer a few months ago to help preserve freshness. We love being able to prepare a meal, especially on a special Occasion, and especially when it’s the food we’ve raised ourselves.

Of course, I did tweak it a bit, with Watkins Pepper, Sea Salt, a dash of Lemon Pepper, and Cajun Spice.
Click Here to check out those products.

Merry Christmas from Briden Farm

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Christmas Morning in a Farmhouse (1846 – 1847)

This Year, We are Thankful for all our pets, livestock, opportunities, friends, family, property owners and supporters! It’s a Roller Coaster! However, knowing you’re in our corner makes it easier. We have plans for 2024 and we’re anxious to share them with You all. That’ll come in a New Year’s Post. Today we just wanted to take time to wish You All a Very Merry Christmas! Tomorrow, Christmas 2023, we’ll be making a special Meal of Ring-Necked Pheasant, Kennebec Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, and Green Beans! All grown by Briden Farm. Of course, we’ll spice it up with Watkins Products from Just Go Natural.

Freshly Hilled Potatoes

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Freshly Hilled Potatoes

Perhaps it’s my Irish Blood, but nothing does my heart as good as seeing beautiful growing, and freshly hilled, potatoes! 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔

I actually love pretty much everything about Potatoes! 

I love planting potatoes, weeding, hoeing, hilling, digging, and eating potatoes!

This year, I’ve planted three gardens and all three have potatoes some potatoes! Over 300’ of Potato Rows! Which I hope yield about 900 lbs of potatoes! I have, in the past, a number of years ago, harvested as much as 10 lbs per foot! However that was on good soil, and ideal conditions. Our current gardens are first time, and forest gardens (pictured above). So, some rows will likely only average a pound or two per foot. Others, with a little luck and lots of prayer, may yield an average of 5 lbs per foot. So, I’m guesstimating a total harvest of about 900 lbs by September! 

Definitely have a few different varieties, My Favourite is Kennebec (I’ve grown 2 Pounders), and my second favourite is Irish Cobbler which mature early and give nice dry potatoes. We also have Adirondack Blue, Golden Russet, Huckleberry Gold, and LaRatte Fingerlings and German Fingerlings. Seven different types! The first of which Irish Cobbler should soon be providing us with New Potatoes!

Now, You’re probably asking, “What on earth are you going to do with all those potatoes!?” Great Question! Glad You asked! We’ll maybe sell a few, save some for next years seed, and eat them of course! Eat 900 lbs of Potatoes!? Don’t worry, they’ll get eaten! When we cook them, we’ll cook a large pot o them, and what we don’t eat, we’ll use as Feed for our Animals. 

This Will Have You Licking Your Chops

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Pork Chops and Sautéed Veggies

To make these Chops, we started by adding some of our rendered pork lard, then starting by sautéing diced onions in a hot cast iron frying pan. Then put in our Woodland, pasture raised, Berkshire Pork. Brown on both sides. Then pour on a bit of Bread and Butter pickle juice. Our Bread & Butter Pickles come from Grandma’s Place, 1882 Clementsvale Rd, Bear River, NS B0S 1B0. Then add mushrooms and brown some in the frying pan with the Pork Chops and Onions. Also add some Sour Kraut to the pan and finishing browning the mixture. By the way, our Sour Kraut come from Lequille Country Store, and was locally made.

Now, pour the Frying Pan contents into another pan on a low side burner and cover to keep warm. Then, in the original frying pan, add a little more Lard.

Then we cut up the potatoes and added the slices to the lard and added the follow Watkins Products … Watkins Pepper, Sea Salt, and Rosemary Extract. Continue to fry the potatoes till golden brown and then add the pork chops, onions, mushrooms, and sour kraut on top of the potatoes. Continue to sauté for a few minutes to insure everything is warm before serving. This Will Have You Licking Your Chops! 

Come visit us at Briden Farm, where the Tea is always on, and the Coffee is not far behind! Book Your Farm Tour, call Brian at 902-907-0770