Thanksgiving at Briden Farm

Although, as expected, it’s going to take a few years before our Gardens are producing the way we’d like them, we do have lots to be thankful for this year. We have survived our first 14 months! It’s not all been easy, we have dealt with everything from sickness to pestilences. We’ve witnessed new births, dealt with deaths, and rejoiced in the living.
This Thanksgiving our meal is a combination of the woodland pasture raised Berkshire pork that we raised. Vegetables given to us by a friend, pickles and preserves from both Grandma’s and from our Garden!
We’ve also had our own eggs, milk, cheese, butter, and apple sauce and fresh veggies, over the past months and even delicious farm raised chicken, duck, rabbit, and pork!
We reflect at this time to give thanks not only for all the above, and each other, but for our families, friends, and friends who are family. So, we want to close by saying how special you all are to us and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!