Building Chicken Tractors for Pastured Poultry

We already have Pastured Egg Layers, and Pastured Muscovy Ducks, and now We’re making Chicken Tractors for Pastured Chicken 🍗 and even considering Pastured Pheasants.
All of our Birds get moved daily, so they fresh green grass, forage, and a natural diet. Supplemented with just enough other feed to make sure they’re eating enough nutrients in their food. They all get a mix of grains, including barley, oats, corn, and wheat. Plus human grade hemp seed feed which contains 25% Protein, balanced omega 3 and 6, essential oils, and all of this of course leads to happy birds and incredible flavours not found in cheap, factory raised, store shelf, birds!
Want more information? Contact Brian 📞 902-907-0770