New Babies, Pastures, & Gardens At Briden Farm

While many birds and animals have their young early in the spring, it seems ours like to wait! June seems to be our busy month!
With outs of Chicks, Ducklings, Baby Bunnies, and the Goats are due in July. I think!
Garden needs tending and fertilizing, we use natural fertilizers and that takes time. Plus rotating pastures!
So, it definitely is a busy time of Year! It’s also a great time to visit! Yes, we’re busy, but your visits give us a break.
So, call Brian now to Book Your Visit….
Bunnies Chicken Chickens Fun at the Farm Gardening Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicks Life at Briden Farm Muscovy Ducks Nigerian Dwarf Goats Pigs Saanen Goats