Tag: Chicks Hatching

Baby Chicks in the Brooder Box

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Baby Chicks in Brooder Box

Now that the first bunch of Chicks has hatched, in Brooder number one, we’ve moved them to a brooder box as you can see here…

A Brooder Box gives the Chicks a safe, warm, place to go to after they’ve come out of the Incubator. A place where they’ll learn to eat and drink as they spend their first weeks. 

Mixed Flock Chicks at Briden Farm

Mixed Flock Chicks Guard Dog

We’ve recently acquired some Mixed Flock Chicks and have some for sale. Looking to expand Your Flock? Seeking some little cuties to make you smile? 

Watch This…

Imagine! These Chicks are so good we got them a Guard Dog! For More Info Call Brian at Briden Farm 902-907-0770 

A Broody Hen at Briden Farm

The Old Grey Hen Sitting On Eggs

One of the nice things about Spring is that it’s the time of birth, and rebirth. It gives us hope! Hope for those who are born, hope for the future, and hope for rebirth after that! 

Perhaps that’s why when we see the first Spring Robin, or a Butterfly, or a Broody Hen sitting on a clutch of Eggs on Her Nest. During the 3 Weeks the Hen sits on her nest, she undergoes a real transformation! Then, when her eggs hatch, and She emerges from her place of refuge and brings new life with Her! It might not be a complete Resurrection, but anyone who has witnessed the miracle of birth, or rebirth, knows it really is a miracle! 

Our “Old Grey Hen”, pictured above is doing just that! We soon hope to bring You photos of Her little ball of joy as the Chicks emerge and find their place in their brand new World! Here at Briden Farm!